Case Study: Inventing a Niche Holiday

I put together a PDF case study for the holiday I co-founded with Susan White of Triscape photo software. This 11-page document follows the holiday invention process, from concepting to vendor partnerships to grassroots promotion via social media.

Some highlights:

  • Digital Scrapbooking Day (DSD) received event coverage in at least 15 e-newsletters from major scrapbooking websites, including, Digital Scrapbooking magazine, and Memory Makers magazine. These sites also hosted their own activities.
  • Chat/Challenge Participants: 2300+
  • Layouts: 790+
  • Shoppers: 900+
  • Traffic: 25,400+
  • received over 5200 unique visitors on the inaugural holiday. There was also a marked increase in traffic during the week leading up to DSD, as well as following the event.
  • The Shutterfly press release was posted to, where it has had 933 full page views, and 305 PDF downloads [at the time of reporting].

You can view & download the PDF on Niche Holiday Social Media Case Study